Wherever You Call Home, Top Hat Home Services is Your Qualified NYC Investment Property Consultant & Manager
International and domestic investors alike rely on Top Hat to manage their New York City property and care for it with the same integrity and standards that apply to caring for owner-occupied properties. In your absence, we act as your caretaker, providing consistent management and maintenance to make sure all infrastructure and systems are in working order.
I represent an individual who owns 4 NYC properties: 2 single family townhouses and 2 brownstones. Top Hat has taken the headache out of managing these buildings. They are proactive and catch problems BEFORE they happen. Our tenants are thrilled to have service people that come when needed. I no longer receive calls from renters, other than the occasional ‘thank you.’ I couldn’t be more pleased.
- Carolyn E., Executive Assistant to West Village Private Real Estate Investor

Managing Tenants to Help Your Investment Property Be Profitable
Moderating any tenant issues that may arise, we make certain that your renters are treating your property with respect and that they are complying with their contracts and agreements. In addition, we manage their needs and requests, making certain to communicate with you at all times, taking the burden of being a landlord off of your shoulders.
If you are looking for an investment property, Top Hat is a resource for pre-purchase assistance, including but not limited to:

Coordinating engineering reports and land surveys

Estimating and implementing any needed repairs or renovations