Your secret weapon to simplify the buying or selling process

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Every New Home Purchase Benefits from Top Hat Participation

Buyer Consulting

If you are acquiring a townhouse, brownstone or small building, you’ll want an experienced eye to tell you the truth about the property’s condition. Top Hat will work with your trusted adviser, broker, or engineer to assess the structure, the plumbing, the wiring, et al. We will counsel on what, if any, repairs might be needed after a purchase to ensure your property is livable and enjoyable.

Our qualified contractors can advise on improvements that will transform a property into a vision that truly represents a home you value. Then, if you decide to purchase and renovate, our knowledge of city government protocols makes acquiring permits fast and easy, so renovations can swiftly begin.

Once you are ready, we help with move-in, the set-up of utilities and technology, and assist with your choice of reputable vendors for security systems, home technology and entertainment systems, etc.


We just bought our first Townhouse. Top Hat managed the property for the prior owner and after meeting them, we had confidence that the property was well cared for and we would have a resource we could count on from day 1. 

– George R., Eastside, New Townhouse Owner

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when Your Broker adviseS you, We transform that advice into realitY

Seller Consulting

When it is time to sell your New York City townhouse, brownstone, condo or investment property, Top Hat can be a valuable asset for gaining a higher return on investment. We will consult with you and your broker to determine what, if any, changes should be made to make your asset more marketable. In certain cases, investing a little money into property improvements can result in a significantly higher sale price and a quicker sale. (For instance, if you’ve turned a bedroom into a den, returning it to a bedroom can increase value and speed a sale!) Perhaps your home would benefit from staging or a new coat of paint? While they may seem like unnecessary expenses, minor repairs and aesthetic alterations can make all the difference when it comes to selling property.

If your listing is stuck, adding a Top Hat Annual Advantage contract to the sale terms sweetens the deal, adding value and giving you an advantage distinct from other listed properties.

Local and international investors/owners are both happy and relieved when you recommend 24/7 concierge-type services for their condo, townhouse, brownstone or small building. Homeowners, who are absent or not wanting the many worries of the day-to-day running of their homes, will enjoy the feel of a private, full-service building without the worries of ownership.

At those unexpected moments, will the property be ready for viewing?

Thanks to Top Hat’s proactive maintenance, problems are anticipated and resolved before turning grim. Yet, right when you least expect it, an air conditioner can fail, the boiler may go silent, or a leak may sprout just before an prospective buyer is expected to arrive. Contact us for a quick response to keep your property in pristine, salable condition.


I lived in my house for over 50 years. I wanted to make sure it was in good condition for the next owner and Top Hat helped me bring my home up to current standards. The work Top Hat did was great and our home sold quickly.

– Alan E., Upper Eastside Townhouse Owner
